Watch the short video below or scroll past the video for step-by-step instructions on how to sign in to Google Classroom.

Video Google Classroom Sign in

To Sign In

  1. Tap the Google Classroom app from the Home Screen
  2. Enter your WRDSB Email, tap Next
  3. Enter your WRDSB Email a second time, tap Next
  4. Enter your WRDSB Password, tap Sign In

To Sign Out

  1. Tap the Google Classroom app from the Home Screen
  2. Tap the Menu (three lines) in the top right corner
  3. Tap “Classes”
  4. Tap your Google Account Avatar in the top right corner
  5. Tap “Manage accounts on this device”
  6. Tap “Remove from this device” for the Google Account you want to remove
  7. Tap “Remove” on the Notification
  8. If your account still shows up, Force Quit the app