iPad Overview

iPad Overview Can I get a general overview of my iPad? I am totally new to iPads! What is an iPad? Don’t worry, we are here to help! Video | Jordan gives you a great overview of an iPad How do I use an iPad? Video | Jordan shows you the basics of using an [...]

Google Apps

Google Apps for Education is a suite of cloud-based tools that are used by staff, teachers and students within WRDSB. There are two methods to access the Google Apps on an iPad. Access through a browser, such as Safari Installing the App on the iPad and signing in Each method is outlined separately below. Accessing [...]


Special Education (light blue screen) iPads have the App Store Disabled Third-party applications and websites might share your personal information. If you have concerns about using an Application, please speak with the classroom teacher. More information. Adding Apps to the iPad You can add Apps to the iPad for various reasons. Apps can support classroom [...]

Hardware Issues

Sound Bluetooth headphones won’t work You should see the following icon when your iPad is paired with your bluetooth headphones. Connect bluetooth headphones Additional support required Wired headphones won’t work Do not attempt to remove items stuck inside the iPad’s headphone jack. Instead, contact your teacher or the school. Try a different pair of wired [...]

WiFi Issues

Can’t connect to Wi-Fi Resetting your modem and router should only be attempted by students after parent or guardian consent How to connect to Wi-Fi at home Attempt Troubleshooting Steps | Apple Support Site Reset your modem and router Report the access issue to your teacher or school (additional support required) How do I change [...]

Cellular Data Issues

Frequently Asked Questions Does my iPad have data? The Cellular iPads have a white strip at the top have data plans. How do I turn on my data? Connect your LTE iPad to a cellular network (Only for Wi-Fi + Cellular models) What can I use my iPad for? Only use the iPad to support [...]