Frequently asked questions regarding WRDSB’s WiFi networks

What is BYOD?

  • Bring Your Own Device.

What is a WRDSB assigned device?

  • A school or department assigns a staff member a device for exclusive use. It is not shared with other staff or students.
  • It is recommended that the staff member uses their own login information for connecting to WRDSB Staff and Students on these devices.

What is a WRDSB Shared device?

  • An iPad, Chromebook or tablet purchased by the WRDSB that is used by many students and not assigned to an individual.
  • These devices will be configured and managed by IT Services staff to use WRDSB Staff and Students automatically.

What about WRDSB shared devices such as iPads and Chromebooks?

  • These will be configured by IT Services staff. You should not use your login on a shared iPad
  • WRDSB Shared Chromebook will connect to WRDSB Staff and Students automatically when you login.
  • Using the guest account on a Chromebook, will only allow connections to WRDSB Wireless

Why Do I have to login?

  • Using your login information to connect to WRDSB Staff and Students ensures a secure connection and provides resources to sites not available on WRDSB Wireless

I have multiple devices? Can I only use one?

  • You can authenticate to WRDSB Staff and Students on all the devices you use

Does the WRDSB collect personal data and list Apps on my phone?

  • The WRDSB does NOT collect any personal data from BYOD devices.